Changing Lives
And Together We Can Change The WorldWe Make A Difference

"My Life Extended"
“I was able to reach one of the best hospitals in the world, and so extend my life a little more. I owe you a lot; I send you a hug.” — Jose Chua Lopez

"A Miracle"
The CDLU helped save Miguel Murillo’s life with a bone marrow transplant. In gratitude, he named his son after the CDLU’s director K.B. “Kevin” Forbes.

"Dropped By Heaven"
“He was dropped by Heaven, I think,” says Maria Mejia (who lost one leg and is wheelchair bound because of her illness) of CDLU’s K.B. Forbes.
Our Voice Is Heard

"Very Formidable"
The Washington Post quoted: Forbes is “a passionate believer . . . a very formidable advocate.”

"Successful Crusader"
The Wall Street Journal declared: “Mr. Forbes has emerged as a rare breed: a successful crusader for the uninsured.”

"A Big Impact"
60 Minutes acknowledged that CDLU has “had a big impact, taking on major hospital chains all over the country.”

"Heroes of Our Time"
El Nuevo Dia praised the CDLU as “Heroes of Our Time” for our compassionate Medical Aid Program.

El Nuevo Dia praised the CDLU as “Heroes of Our Time” for our compassionate Medical Aid Program.

"Powerful Advocate"
Mother Jones proclaimed: “K.B. Forbes has become one of America’s most powerful advocates for the uninsured.”

"A Blessing"
People magazine wrote: “For people like Pascual Rivera, Forbes’ relentless advocacy has been a blessing.”

People magazine wrote: “For people like Pascual Rivera, Forbes’ relentless advocacy has been a blessing.”
They Need you. We Need You.
Good people are suffering and desperately in need of urgent and life-saving medical care. They’re counting on us as their last hope. We’re doing all we can, but we can’t do it alone. We’re asking for your help. Will you give what you can to help save their lives?